Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Finals and Llamas

Something you hear about a lot right? But little did I know how difficult and stressful they actually are.
College exams are HARD and they are LONG and they all happen in the same week.

I've been living off of pasta and dry cheerios...

And I've been taking a lot of highly attractive selfies...

And occasionally I have meltdowns on the kitchen floor...with more cheerios...

I chose to do a charcoal drawing for my art final and 
I chose a pretty snazzy picture of a llama wearing a neck scarf as my reference.
It turned out far better than I thought it would and I'm pretty psyched about it!

I finished my watercolor final as well and it also turned out better than I had hoped!

I take my last final tomorrow and I am happy and surprised to say that I survived!

Today I am almost finished with finals.
Today is a good day.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Cappella and Ice Cream

Went and saw some buddies of mine perform a little a cappella this Friday at local ice cream shop.
They were darling.

Naturally we ate our fair share of frozen treats...

Then we went home, ate pizza, and took highly attractive pictures of ourselves.

This last week one of my FAVORITE sister missionaries to go on splits with finished her service of 18 months and left for home. Sister Yunack is such a wonderful example to me of quiet service and real love. Teaching others about Christ and his life here on earth by her side this last summer was such an opportunity and a blessing.

Today is a good day.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Random Ramblings from Ruby

I've always been a big boob about getting shots and this years flu shot was no exception.
I may or may not have brought my sister along to hold my hand...
However the nurse was a real gem and gave my a sparkly band aid like I asked so all was well in the end!

EVERYTHING here in Rexburg is icy icy icy and sometimes when friends fall down you have to take a picture before helping them up...

And even stranger still is when your friend says their back feels dry and itchy so you suggest they put some lotion on and next thing you know you've got a shirtless guy in your living room.
Sheesh. College.

And sometimes you go on farm adventures and conquer your fear of horses and actually stand kind of close to one and smile.

Then finals rolls around and everyone is losing their mind and I start looking like Gollum while getting a cereal snack.

And sometimes I make friends with the skull in science class because everyone else is busy actually taking notes.

And occasionally (all the time) I try and get a picture with Matt while he snoozes and he wakes up right before I can snap the pic every single dingle time.

College is fun. College is hard.

But today, 
Today is a good day.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Mouthguards and Photoshoots.

Last weekend I went to Salt Lake to go see a jaw specialist which included my first MRI. I asked for a sticker but they were all out. I was kind of bummed.
Turns out my jaw can be fixed by wearing a mouthguard looking thing for about 6 months so that is way good news!
The not so awesome news is this mouthguard makes it difficult to talk, eat, and smile....so basically it makes things difficult in general. I wear it all day everyday and all night every night and I even need to wear it when I eat. But 6 months really isn't so bad and at least it's not surgery!

I stayed the rest of the weekend with my dear friend Shlyn. We turned it into a party and threw a sleepover and it was so awesome to see everyone again even if it was for just one day.
The weekend included manicures, little fluffy dogs in santa costumes, lots of delicious snacks, and even more laughs.

The next morning we got up and had a photo shoot. My dearest pal Tessa, who is studying photography, needed some people to pose for some pictures. We happily obliged. 

(I love Oaxaca!)

If you want to see more awesome stuff by these adorable and talented photographer go check it out here.

The frisbee season is officially over as of last week. I am so glad I decided to last minute sign up to play a sport I knew zero about. I met so many cool girls, made so many awesome friends, and I feel like I really improved! At the banquet that marks the end of the season they gave out three awards: Best Defense, Best Offense, and Best Spirit.
Get this, I won best spirit out of all 5 competitive frisbee teams.
So hilarious! 
I may not be the leagues best player but hey, at least I was having a good time.

So thankful for this awesome life I get to live.
Mouthguard and all guys,
Today is a good day.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Goats and Frisbee.

First off, I'd like to start with some exciting news...
We've gotten soooo close soooo many times but this Friday we actually did it!
We had to go into overtime because we were tied and they announced that the first team to score a point wins and we scored!!
Man, it was a happy happy Friday.

Looking super cute while trying to avoid hypothermia...

I sure do love my frisbee team.

We've been working on still life drawings in my basic art class and as you can see...
It's been getting pretty artsy in art class as of late.

Sunday involved river exploring which included stick races down the river.
The afternoon was full of sunshine, good company, and lots of laughs.

As you can see I'm making all sorts new friends here in Idaho...

Goat selfies...

It sure was a beautiful afternoon.
Whoever said Idaho was boring or ugly had no idea what they were talking about.

Every Today is so good here at good old BYUI.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Midgets and Tacos.

My pumpkin looks pretty rad this year.

My ward Halloween party was pretty legit too.
I mostly hung with my two favorite people.
The midget on stilts and the taco.
What a combo.

My dear buddy Thomas followed my advice and dressed up as a midget on stilts. 
He won the costume contest.
You're welcome Thomas.

The fairy and Nacho.

Stealing all the candy corn...
(The best part about this picture is the angle...
Thomas is very tall, I am very short. 
Therefore it appears I have no legs in this picture. Aw geez. I love my friends.)

I ate a lot of candy corn and hung out with a midget and a taco.
It goes without saying but...
Today is a good day.